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Zmiany w arenie [Mugen 1.0]

  • W grupie [Info] dodano displayname.
  • W grupie [Info] dodano versiondate.
  • W grupie [Info] dodano mugenversion.
  • W grupie [Info] dodano author.
  • W grupie [StageInfo] dodano localcoord. Mugen zgodnie z wpisem LocalCoord który informuje o rozdzielczości, przeskaluje rozdzielczość obiektu odpowiednio do rozdzielczości Mugena.
  • W grupie [StageInfo] dodano xscale i yscale.
  • W grupie [Camera] dodano overdrawhigh i overdrawlow.
  • W grupie [Camera] dodano cuthigh i cutlow.
  • W grupie [Music] dodano bgmloopstart i bgmloopend.
  • W grupie [Music] zmieniono bgvolume na bgmvolume.
  • W grupie [PlayerInfo] usunięto p1startz, p2startz, p3startz, p4startz.
  • W grupie [PlayerInfo] usunięto topbound i botbound.
  • Usunięto grupę [Scaling].

Plik stage0-720.def

name = "Training Room 720" ;Name of the stage.
displayname = "Training Room 720" ;Name to display
versiondate = 09,30,2009    ;Version date of stage (MM,DD,YYYY or X.XX)
mugenversion = 1.0          ;Version of M.U.G.E.N stage works on (X.XX)
author = "Elecbyte"         ;Stage author name
localcoord = 1280, 720 ;Width and height of the local coordinate space of the stage.
xscale = 1 ;Horizontal and vertical scaling factor for drawing.
yscale = 1
overdrawhigh = 120 ; Number of pixels beyond the top and bottom of the screen that may be drawn.
overdrawlow = 120
cuthigh = 0 ; Number of pixels into the top and bottom of the screen that may be cut from drawing when the screen aspect is shorter than the stage aspect.
cutlow = 0
bgmusic = ; Music file to play in the stage.
bgmloopstart = ; Specifies the start and end points of the music to loop.
bgmloopend = 
bgmvolume = 100 ; Volume 100 = 100%.

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