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Zmiany w dźwiękach i muzyce [Mugen 1.0]

Zmiany w dźwiękach i muzyce to:

  • Lepsza obsługa plików MP3 i OGG.
  • Lepsza jakość dźwięku.
  • Rozszerzalna architektura pluginów.
  • Wprowadzone loopstart i loopend dla kompatybilnych pluginów.
  • Bardziej intuicyjne ustawienia głośności oparte o skalowanie.

Należy aktualizować plik mugen.cfg żeby zmiany w dźwiękach i muzyce działały prawidłowo. Skala dźwięków może maksymalnie osiągnąć tylko 100%.

W Mugenie dostarczone są następujące pluginy:

  • mpg123 : Obsługuje odtwarzanie plików MP3 przy użyciu dekodera libmpg123, obsługuje punkty pętli, regulację głośności i próbkowanie precyzyjne.
  • vorbisplug : Obsługuje odtwarzanie plików Ogg przy użyciu dekoderów libogg i libvorbisfile. Obsługuje punkty pętli, regulację głośności i próbkowanie precyzyjne. W razie potrzeby, wykorzystuje wbudowaną usługę resampling dla Mugena. Powinien zapewnić znacznie lepszą wydajność niż domyślne używany mikser SDL.
  • sdlmix : Obsługuje odtwarzanie plików MIDI i MOD. Nie obsługuje punktów pętli.

Zmiany w pliku mugen.cfg

  • W grupie [Options] usunięto WavVolume.
  • W grupie [Options] usunięto MidiVolume.
  • W grupie [Sound] dodano SampleRate.
  • W grupie [Sound] dodano BufferSize.
  • W grupie [Sound] dodano SFXResampleMethod.
  • W grupie [Sound] dodano BGMResampleQuality.
  • W grupie [Sound] dodano MasterVolume.
  • W grupie [Sound] dodano BGMVolume.
  • W grupie [Sound] zmieniono WavVolume.
  • W grupie [Sound] usunięto ModVoices.
  • W grupie [Sound] usunięto MasterWavVolume.
  • W grupie [Sound] usunięto MidiVolume.
  • W grupie [Sound] usunięto MP3Volume.
  • W grupie [Sound] usunięto ModVolume.
  • W grupie [Sound] usunięto CDAVolume.
  • Dodano grupę [Music].
  • W grupie [Misc] dodano SFXBackgroundMode.
  • W grupie [Misc] dodano BGMBackgroundMode.

Plik mugen.cfg

; Sound configuration
  ;Set the following to 1 to enable sound effects and music.
  ;Set to 0 to disable.
Sound = 1
  ;Set the sample rate of the game audio. Higher rates produce better
  ;quality but require more system resources. Lower the rate if you
  ;are having problems with sound performance.
  ;Recommended values are 22050, 44100, or 48000.
SampleRate = 44100
  ;Sets the audio buffer size. Larger buffers take less CPU but cause
  ;more latency when playing sounds. Smaller buffers give less latency
  ;but take more CPU. Also, if the buffer size is smaller than your system
  ;can handle, you may experience audio problems.
  ;The buffer size is set to 2^n samples, where n is the value you specify 
  ;here. Valid values for n are between 8 and 15.
  ;A good rule of thumb is to pick 10 for 22050 Hz audio, or 11 for 44100 Hz
  ;and 48000 Hz. Slower machines may require a larger buffer size.
BufferSize = 11
  ;Set the following to 1 to enable stereo effects in-game
  ;Set to 0 to disable.
StereoEffects = 1
  ;This is the width of the sound panning field. If you
  ;Increase this number, the stereo effects will sound
  ;closer to the middle. Set to a smaller number to get
  ;more stereo separation on sound effects.
  ;Only valid if StereoEffects is set to 1.
PanningWidth = 240
  ;Set the following to 1 to reverse left and right channels
  ;on your sound card.
ReverseStereo = 0

  ;Number of voice channels to use.
WavChannels = 32

  ;This is the master volume for all sounds, in percent (0-100).
MasterVolume = 100
  ;This is the volume for sound effects and voices, in percent (0-100).
WavVolume = 80
  ;This is the master volume for music, (0-100).
BGMVolume = 75
  ;Method used for rate conversion of sound effects.
  ;Choose from:
  ; *) SDL (no interpolation, low quality, low resource usage) 
  ; *) libresample (bandlimited interpolation, medium/high quality, higher
  ;                 resource usage).
SFXResampleMethod = libresample
  ;Quality parameter for resampling, if libresample is used.
  ;Valid values are 0 (medium quality) or 1 (high quality).
SFXResampleQuality = 1
  ;Quality parameter for BGM resampling, using libresample.
  ;Valid values are 0 (medium quality) or 1 (high quality).
BGMResampleQuality = 1

  ;Configure music plugins and any optional parameters here. Format looks
  ;like the following:
  ;  plugin =  [, ]
  ;   = 
  ;   = 
  ;  plugin =  [, ]
  ;  ...
  ;Valid parameters depend on the plugin. Each BGM file will be played
  ;by the uppermost plugin in the list that recognizes that file.
  ;For system plugins, the  argument is unused.

  ;System plugin (built-in): mpg123
  ;Plays MP3 files only. Supports looppoints in terms of samples.
  ;Optional parameters:
  ;  decoder = 
  ;    Requests use of a particular mpg123 decoding engine (request may not be
  ;    honored, depending on the file). This should be omitted unless you 
  ;    know what you are doing. Valid values are:
  ;      SSE, 3DNowExt, 3DNow, MMX, i586, i586_dither, i386, generic, 
  ;      generic_dither.    
  ;  rva = 
  ;    Specifies ReplayGain volume adjustment. Valid values are:
  ;      off   (default; disables ReplayGain)
  ;      track 
  ;      album
  ;  volume = 
  ;    Overall volume adjustment, in percent. This is a linear scale factor 
  ;    that multiplies the output amplitude. Do not specify a value over 
  ;    100.0 unless you know what you are doing.
  ;  extensions = 
  ;    Specifies file extensions to recognize as MP3. This is a comma-
  ;    separated list with no whitespace. For instance,
  ;      extensions = mp3,mpeg3,mpe
  ;    would register the .mp3, .mpeg3, and .mpe file extensions with this
  ;    plugin. Defaults to "mp3" if omitted.
plugin = mpg123
rva = track
extensions =
volume = 100.0

  ;Plugin (add-on): vorbisplug
  ;Plays Ogg Vorbis files using the libvorbisfile library. Supports loop
  ;  points and ReplayGain volume adjustment. Does not support files with
  ;  more than 2 audio channels.
  ;Optional parameters:
  ;  rva = 
  ;    Specifies ReplayGain volume adjustment. Valid values are:
  ;      off   (default; disables ReplayGain)
  ;      track 
  ;      album
  ;  volume = 
  ;    Overall volume adjustment, in percent. This is a linear scale factor 
  ;    that multiplies the output amplitude. Do not specify a value over 
  ;    100.0 unless you know what you are doing.
  ;  extensions = 
  ;    Specifies file extensions to recognize as MP3. This is a comma-
  ;    separated list with no whitespace. For instance,
  ;      extensions = ogg,vorbis,vorb
  ;    would register the .ogg, .vorbis, and .vorb file extensions with this
  ;    plugin. Defaults to "ogg,vorbis" if omitted.
plugin = vorbisplug, plugins/vorbisplug.dll
rva = track
extensions = 
volume = 100.0

  ;System plugin (built-in): sdlmix
  ;Plays MIDI with native playback; MODs and other tracker files 
  ;  (with MikMod)
  ;Looppoints are not supported. Performs seamless end-to-beginning loops.
  ;Optional parameters:
  ;  midivolume = 
  ;    Specifies volume scaling for MIDI in percent. 
  ;    100 means no change (default).
  ;  modvolume =  
  ;    Same as midivolume, but for MODs and other tracker files.
plugin = sdlmix
midivolume =
modvolume = 

  ;Number of extra players to cache in memory.
  ;Set to a lower number to decrease memory usage, at cost of
  ;more frequent loading.
PlayerCache = 2
  ;Set to 1 to allow precaching. Precaching attempts to start loading
  ;player data as early as possible, to reduce apparent loading times
  ;between matches. To get the best performance, set PlayerCache to at
  ;least 1. The optimal number for PlayerCache is 4 when precaching is
  ;Precaching is disabled when Rendermode=OpenGL.
Precache = 1
  ;Set to 1 to enable large-buffer reads of sprite and sound data.
  ;Set to 0 (off) to decrease memory usage, at cost of slower
BufferedRead = 1
  ;Set to 1 to free system.def data from memory whenever possible.
  ;This decreases memory usage, in exchange for loading time
  ;before system screens.
UnloadSystem = 0
  ;Set to 1 to pause the game when the window is in the background.
PauseOnDefocus = 0

  ;Configures the handling of sound effects and voices when the
  ;window is in the background (i.e., defocused).
  ;Set to "Mute" to mute sound effects, or "Play" to let sound effects
SFXBackgroundMode = Play

  ;Configures the handling of BGM when the window is in the background.
  ;Set to "Pause" to pause the music, "Mute" to mute the music but leave
  ;it running at normal speed, or "Play" to continue playing as usual.
  ;If you are running in fullscreen mode, then this setting is always
  ;set to "Pause".
BGMBackgroundMode = Play
  ;Set to nonzero to force stages to have the specified zoomout scale
  ;This option has no effect on stages that have either zoomin or zoomout
  ;parameter set to a value other than the default of 1.
  ;This is a debug parameter and may be removed in future versions.
;ForceStageZoomout = .75

Zmiany w postaci

  • W grupie [Data] parametr volume zamieniono na volumescale. Parametr volume jest ignorowany, volumescale skaluje głośność 100 = 100%.
  • W kontrolerze stanu PlaySnd, parametr volume zamieniono na volumescale. Parametr volume jest ignorowany, volumescale skaluje głośność 100 = 100%.

Zmiany w arenie

  • W grupie [Music] dodano bgmloopstart i bgmloopend.
  • W grupie [Music] zmieniono bgvolume na bgmvolume.

Zmiany w pliku system.def

  • W grupie [Music] dodano volume, loopstart i loopend.
  • W grupie [Demo Mode] dodano fight.stopbgm.

Zmiany w scenorysie

  • W grupie [Scene ...] dodano bgm.loopstart i bgm.loopend.

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